Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October Horror Movie Challenge Wrap-up

So, evidently watching a horror movie a day for 31 days is harder than it sounds. This is especially true when you want to spend time with your family and friends. This is double extra-true when October happens to fall during football season, as it did this year. It's hard to get psyched up for Man's Best Friend when there's a good game on. Even a game featuring teams I don't give a rip about is a pretty big draw against simply continuing down a list of pre-selected movies.

Sometimes other movies get in the way, like when my wife and I got the unexpected opportunity to see Ghostbusters at the theater, or when I chose to watch Jason X (total guilty pleasure of mine) on Halloween instead of Trick 'R Treat. Or when the Shrek movies came on TNT for the five-hundredth time and I got sucked into the ogre-y adventures once again.

At any rate, I had a good time with this experiment, introducing myself to several movies I hadn't seen before, and many others I had seen but didn't know well. And my remaining list will serve me well when I'm staring at the Blockbuster-esque wall of dvds in the bonus room closet, trying to decide what to watch.

And who knows? Maybe I'll pursue the movie-a-day thing with another holiday-heavy month in the future, such as February (which shortens the list a bit). I wonder how many Groundhog's Day-related movies there are... So far I can think of one.

Final Tally of Movies Watched: 18/31. Better luck next time.