Monday, October 1, 2012

It's alive! Alive!

Do you hear that? It's a faint thumping sound. Thump thump. Thump thump. It's so subtle, but it's there.  It's the sound of this blog's heart, gone silent for nearly a year now, beginning its revival.  Like the famous doctor's monster waking on the table after a jolt of lightning, the Hippsology blog lives again.

Appropriate imagery, since it is the Halloween horror movie season that brought this blog to life in the first place, and is bringing it back again now.  Last year at this time I announced my intention to watch and review 31 horror movies in the 31 days of October.  I failed in my attempt, managing to cover only 18 of the 31 movies I selected.  But I don't consider this a failure. I mean, it is. But I choose not to think of it that way.  So there.

This year, maybe I'll leave the October Challenge to the experts.  Instead of trying to watch a movie each day and blog about them all, I'll simply try to blog about horror in interesting ways throughout the month.  I'll post about some horror movies that I watch this month, some that I've seen before, and maybe even about some horror stuff that isn't movie related, per se.  And if you're really lucky, I will translate some rap songs for you at no extra charge.

October is a unique month, and one that horror fans look forward to like flowers look forward to May.  Boy, that was a crappy analogy or simile or whatever.  No doubt that is indicative of the high level of quality bloggertainment you can look forward to here at Hippsology throughout this month of horror, and perhaps even beyond.  Happy October.

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