In the the late 90s and early 2000s, a serial killer known as the Water Street Butcher terrorized a community in New York and the surrounding areas. He would abduct, torment, murder, and dismember his victims in such a way that the police couldn't come up with a profile of this new breed of killer. The full extent of his crimes was only put together when the police discovered what came to be known as The Poughkeepsie Tapes - more than 800 video tapes documenting every detail of the atrocities he committed, but never revealing his identity.
Of course, as a horror fan, that's what I'm after sometimes. That brush with real horror and the darkness of the worst of humanity that, in the safety of a fictional narrative that is only presented as true, helps to inoculate me against fear.
Interestingly, The Poughkeepsie Tapes had a limited theatrical release and is not available on DVD, and there is no plan to release it as such even today. Some would say that's a good thing. I say, if you are a horror veteran and can handle a rough go, track it down (there are ways). It's very well-made and effective. And now I want to watch cartoons.
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